Surfing on the tidal of realities
drifting in your ocean of fantasies
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Not sure about it? Then why spread the news all about? Shouldn't you find the truth instead of spreading lies? Shouldn't you feel guilty for blackmailing someone? If not so, don't you feel ashamed with what you'd done or maybe I should say... what you'd been doing.? For you had misuse Allah's gift. The gift of having such a beautiful and complete mouth. Don't you think it's better not to have that one organ rather than carrying a huge collection of sins? "Mengata yang hakikat dikata mengumpat, mengata yang tidak benar dikata menfitnah. Dua2 perbuatan itu berdosa. Lebih baik menutup mulut jika tidak ada benda yg bermanfaat untuk diperkatakan"
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The sight of you now hurts me deeply. If you take it that way, so just let it be that way. Your words left a deep scar. I just can't afford to hear anything more from you. I may carry a strong front. But no one knows how much it bleeds inside. I don't even care if you meant what you said. As the words said can't be taken back. I need the strength back That was once I got from you. |