Life is a fantasized reality ♥
Surfing on the tidal of realities
drifting in your ocean of fantasies
Monday, April 12, 2010

I believe in fate.
And I am not going to put in hopes.
Not going to put in any effort.
Not going to put in any dreams.
Not going to make any moves.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"A pretty face catches your eye, but a pretty personality catches your heart"

And I defenitely agree to that because that is the reason why you caught my attention.

And to Aisy, you nak ketawakan gambar lama2 dia dgn misai dia, ketawalah! I prioritise the personality!! =P

"Seseorang yang berhasil mendapat cinta dengan mudah, akan sukar memperolehi cinta yang sejati"
-Extracted from Ukhti Syafiqah Basiran's shoutout.

Alhamdulillah. One after another; words of wisdom motivates me and eliminates all the negative thoughts in this brain capacity.
Yes. Maybe I should leave every single thing to Allah's hands and stop thinking too much about what is going to happen next. Be it if he is really going to fly off to Australia or Europe, if we are meant to be, then it should be rite? Referring to Ukht Syafiqah's quotation, if this is too easy for me then it might not leave much of a sentimental touch isn't it?
I hope.. It's going to be worth the waiting and patience.

Yes, Nadhz, you have a point there when you said that at least he is still studying so by the time things can be settled when he's back. =)))

Lets just pray for the best...
For, "A good woman is for a good man and a good man is for a good woman"
Double H.

Wassalam. =)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Barangsiapa menginginkan teman, cukuplah Allah menjadi temannya.
Barangsiapa menginginkan kekayaan, cukuplah qana’ah menyertainya.
Barangsiapa menginginkan nasihat, cukuplah kematian menasihatinya.
Barangsiapa menginginkan harta simpanan, cukuplah Al-Quran menjadi barang simpanannya. Barangsiapa yang tidak cukup dengan keempat-empat hal ini, cukuplah neraka baginya."
-Extracted from DPerkasa Gombak (Pok Nik) Facebook Shoutout.

Thanks to this meaningful quotation, it mellows down the pain agonizing my psychological mindset thinking about missing him soon. Though, I believe HE understands how I feel since this feeling HE created is a nikmah that will strengthen myself as soon as I learnt how to overcome it instead of letting our biggest enemy overcome my mindset.

Deep down inside, I'm so not ready to face another farewell consecutively. Especially when this feeling of adoration just about to develop beautifully.

You qualify yourself in the check list of all the qualities needed when that day you asked : "Dayah dah sembahyang?"
Because... I will always remember my mum's words "A good husband, a good leader will ask you this question: "Have you done your prayer?"

And I hope and will always pray that wherever you are pursuing your studies, you will always hold on to your principles because that is one of the factors why you are one of those who I look upon.
"I love you because of your religion, if you let go of your religion, then I have to let go of my love for you" -Imam Nawawi.

Wallahua'lam. For HE knows what is best for both of us.
My prayers for us will always being heard to Allah.