Life is a fantasized reality ♥
Surfing on the tidal of realities
drifting in your ocean of fantasies
Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Life is like dat there are always learning points, sama ada we want to do better or repeat the same mistake again.. I believe u can be better, u hv great potential"

School life will be different now without you. May Allah let us meet again in future and never to forget in the hereafter, amiin. I love you till eternity from the bottom of my heart, daddy. =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yes I know.
Cut Off points- 9
And the effort I put in.
Doesnt tally at all.
Dream and effort can never match.

Yes I know.
Without you blabbering those hurtful words.
I'd long stand in the world of reality.
I'd long know how less you give in to those low scores.
But to change from the new worthless me to the original me
Still take some time
Can't you try to understand that?
I'm trying my best to adapt on new things.
Can't you see I'm immune now to all those things.
So why can't you try to be the vaccine?
If not so, try to find a cure
For this wound need time to recover.

If you say you hate to see me in this state
Then do you think I love to be there
A place far from my competing peers
And letting the society judge me wrongly?

I'd long be at the peak
And had the victory mine at all times
So do you think I enjoy to be at the ground floor?
After I just started to carve my name on the top
And then being burried by dust of failures.
I'd long knew to climb up wasn't easy
And to be knocked down and fell just need a tick of time.

But you need to know
That changing need time
It won't give a lasting effect if it was to be drastic
I promised to myself and to the deserving people
That I'll be all healed and recover
From the nasty mind disease
Before I face the war and be all ready to strive the best once again.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Let He and the future decide for me. As long as I'm concerned, I put the effort only on things that need my utmost attention.
For now, you're just a sidetrack that might distract my focus from the main concern.

Wake up Lass! You are falling way down the opposite from the real you.
I used to really love you Maths and Science. Just what made my love fade?!

-I need a mega sharp tight Slap and a snappy warm hug. Only one each.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Never come that near ever again.
Never ever or perhaps.... not the time yet?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Hello syg.. How sana? Hav fun? How's the food there? Cukup ke tido? Bawa bantal busuk tk? Cian kte tau.. Dah, jaga diri baik2 pt sana. Klu ade kucing mcm harimau bwk balik.. Beruang tanak. Kte dah ade satu beruang girl dah, baru jek anta pegi Rebutia Malaysia."

-Msg yg dihantar ibu and abg aku time kt rebutia.

rindu Poknik and Abi!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm really missing Poknik and Abi with the sight of their adorable and cuddly act.
To me, Rebutia really open and widen my heart, my mind and my soul for what I am capable to do and how to control my mind to overcome my emotions.

kay ni nak crite sikit antara bende2 yg tk blh dilupakan kt sana.

Ni time kembara malam. Nombor yg ditetapkn bg aku ialah 26. sementara menunggu org2 depan jln dulu, aku terlena kt atas road. Bangon je lg 3 org pstu aku nye turn. Dgn muke stoink2 aku pn bangon and standby. Ni yg part nk terkekek ni ble teringat balek. Ustzh Orfiyah pimpin aku nk panjat bukit kontot yg maha licin sebelum boleh cari Poknik. Aku dgn penuh confident lupe yg satu badan tgh sakit tambahan dgn cuaca sejuk, pun angkat lah kaki yg berat seguni ni nk panjat. Skali kaki cramp tk blh gerak. Dlm keadaan terkangkang aku terus terslide ke bawah. Terus panic tk terpanjat2 smpi 4-5 kali. Ustzh suro bagi budak blkg jln dulu. Blkg aku Ain Solehah. Aku yg blm naik ni ade hati plak tu nk tolong die naik. Aku pn ckp, "K ain, kte kira 1 2 3 pstu kte tolak awk." Adelah a few times gtu. Last2 bknnye aku tolak die tapi tangan aku jadi bangku plak die tumpang duduk nk tarek nafas. Aku pn melaung la. Dalah kaki cramp tk psl2 tangan plak tk blh diharap. Lepas Ain je aku teros nekad nk panjat lg akhirnya berjaya la juge.

Yg lain alhamdulillah aku tk susah sgt nk merentasi thanks to Zakiah die no.25 yg byk tolong aku since aku ni actually rabun malam jd tk blh brape nmpk lah ape jd sekeliling.
Rasanye mcm nk masok hutan lagi sbb kepuasan tu dtg ble teringat yg tangan aku mampu panjat mcm2 meskipun kene menampung badan berat mcm guni pasir ni. Lepas ni nk practise naik monkey bar byk2 sbb all dis while monkey bar tk prnh abes slalunye separuh je pstu gugur ke tanah.

Lagi satu yg tk blh dilupakn main game Tarzan tu. I took 4-5 times bru pass merentasi seberang tambak. Tapi bagi mereka yg tk berjaya, tkpe jgn malu sbb saya faham perasaan awk. Tkpe, yg penting kte dapat rasa kesusahan yg dialami pelakon2 hollywood ble kene swing sana swing sini.

Dan juge terima kasih pada Rebutia kerana aku jadi tk peduli kepada ape jenis binatang yg hinggap di atas ku tp dendam ku pada semut api blm reda lagi sbb 5 ekor semut api tanpa segan dan silu telah menggigit aku serentak sewaktu aku merentasi high rope.

Flying Fox memang gerek abes cuma yg aku kesalkn tu mula2 masih turun aku tutup mata skjp dan badan aku mengadap ke depan tapi setelah aku mencelik kn mata badan aku terpusing ke belakang. Kejadah ape? Aku buka mata nk tgk mcm mane aku jatoh ni tk psl2 kene tgk blkg. Klu diberi peluang memang nk buat lagi.

Tapi dalam smua aktiviti, yg favourite still kembara malam. Rasanye mcm mimpi gtu yg aku telah meredahi kesusahan yg dialami sewaktu kena merangkak di tanah yg licin.
Waktu tu, kte blh nmpk masing2 nye sifat semulajadi yg mana kurang penyabar, kurang memahami, kurang membantu teman2 yg susah malah mereka memarahi lg ada.
Kepada juniors ku yg dat time tertinggal dr no. depan tertinggal ke blkg, jgn rasa malu dengan kawan2 krn yg penting, pengalaman Rebutia ni beri manfaat dn kesan pd diri kita dn bukan hak mereka untk merosakkn pengalaman awak smua.
Memang susah tapi percayalah sebenarnya korg smue mampu nk panjat2 bende2 tu smua. Yg pntg kene ade self confidence dlm diri korg ok? Pikir balik, kte lg gemok n besar dr korg tp alhamdulillah dpt jgk meredah kesusahan tu. So next time, jgn give up ok? Tunjukkan pada mereka yg slim2 tu yg kte gemok2 gini (tp cute) mampu jgk mengatasi kelemahan kte. Okeh? Chayo!

Yg paling memalukan Poknik berpakat dgn team Rebutia and guru2 nk prank kte2 yg June Babes. Ya Allah! Malu abes. rasanye smue da nmpk da muke kemek aku nanges kt depan takot la ape la kesalahan yg kte buat kn smpi Poknik larang kte g Rebutia lg. Thank You Poknik, Abg Khai and Kak Wawa for d Bdae card and bdae wish. I love you all Team Rebutia.

Yg penting skali, kerana Rebutia, aku makin mengenali juniors ku and kte sayang sangat juniors kte smue skali baik yg sec2 juge yg sec3. Love u all rasanye mcm tanak tnggl kn mwti ni since kte tnggl lg 2-3 bulan je lg. May our bond get stronger as day goes by and nothing make us break from each other till we meet the day that had been waiting for, amiin.